Country: Finland

Local name: Suomen Tasavalta

Capital: Helsinki

Area (in sq km): 337030

Population: 5244000

Continent: EU

Domain: .fi

Currency Code: EUR

Currency Name: Euro

Phone: 358

Languages: fi-FI,sv-FI,smn

Neighboring countries: NO,RU,SE

Country: Finland

Local name: Suomen Tasavalta

Capital: Helsinki

Area (in sq km): 337030

Population: 5244000

Continent: EU

Domain: .fi

Currency Code: EUR

Currency Name: Euro

Phone: 358

Languages: fi-FI,sv-FI,smn

Neighboring countries: NO,RU,SE

List of cities in Finland

There are 18 regions in Finland, in which there are more than 207 cities with a population of over 5,000 people.

Detailed information:

Region (State) - click to sort Number of cities
1 Keski-Suomi (Central Finland) 12
2 Keski-Pohjanmaa (Central Ostrobothnia) 2
3 Varsinais-Suomen maakunta (Finland Proper) 17
4 Kainuu (Kainuu) 5
5 Kymenlaakso (Kymenlaakso) 7
6 Lappi (Lapland) 10
7 Pohjois-Karjala (North Karelia) 11
8 Pohjois-Pohjanmaa (Northern Ostrobothnia) 20
9 Pohjois-Savon Maakunta (Northern Savo) 11
10 Pohjanmaa (Ostrobothnia) 10
11 Päijät-Häme (Päijänne Tavastia) 6
12 Pirkanmaa (Pirkanmaa) 20
13 Satakunta (Satakunta) 11
14 Etelä-Karjala (South Karelia) 5
15 Etelä-Pohjanmaa (Southern Ostrobothnia) 13
16 Etelä-Savo (Southern Savonia) 9
17 Häme (Tavastia Proper) 9
18 Uusimaa (Uusimaa) 29