Country: Gambia

Local name: Islamic Republic of The Gambia

Capital: Banjul

Area (in sq km): 11300

Population: 1593256

Continent: AF

Domain: .gm

Currency Code: GMD

Currency Name: Dalasi

Phone: 220

Languages: en-GM,mnk,wof,wo,ff

Neighboring countries: SN

Country: Gambia

Local name: Islamic Republic of The Gambia

Capital: Banjul

Area (in sq km): 11300

Population: 1593256

Continent: AF

Domain: .gm

Currency Code: GMD

Currency Name: Dalasi

Phone: 220

Languages: en-GM,mnk,wof,wo,ff

Neighboring countries: SN

List of cities in Gambia

There are 6 regions in Gambia, in which there are more than 18 cities with a population of over 5,000 people.

Detailed information:

Region (State) - click to sort Number of cities
1 Banjul (Banjul) 3
2 Central River (Central River) 2
3 Lower River (Lower River) 2
4 North Bank (North Bank) 5
5 Upper River (Upper River) 2
6 Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq (Western) 4