Country: Sri Lanka

Local name: Prajatantravadi Samajavadi Janarajaya Sri Lanka, Lankāva

Capital: Colombo

Area (in sq km): 65610

Population: 21513990

Continent: AS

Domain: .lk

Currency Code: LKR

Currency Name: Rupee

Phone: 94

Languages: si,ta,en

Neighboring countries:

Country: Sri Lanka

Local name: Prajatantravadi Samajavadi Janarajaya Sri Lanka, Lankāva

Capital: Colombo

Area (in sq km): 65610

Population: 21513990

Continent: AS

Domain: .lk

Currency Code: LKR

Currency Name: Rupee

Phone: 94

Languages: si,ta,en

Neighboring countries:

List of cities in Sri Lanka

There are 9 regions in Sri Lanka, in which there are more than 65 cities with a population of over 5,000 people.

Detailed information:

Region (State) - click to sort Number of cities
1 මධ්‍යම පළාත (Central) 6
2 නැගෙනහිර පළාත (Eastern Province) 6
3 උතුරු මැද පළාත (North Central) 2
4 වයඹ පළාත (North Western) 4
5 මධ්‍යම පළාත (Northern Province) 5
6 සබරගමුව (Sabaragamuwa) 2
7 දකුණු පළාත (Southern) 7
8 ඌව (Uva) 5
9 බස්නාහිර පළාත (Western) 28