Country: Western Sahara

Local name: لصحراء الغربية

Capital: El-Aaiun

Area (in sq km): 266000

Population: 273008

Continent: AF

Domain: .eh

Currency Code: MAD

Currency Name: Dirham

Phone: 212

Languages: ar,mey

Neighboring countries: DZ,MR,MA

Country: Western Sahara

Local name: لصحراء الغربية

Capital: El-Aaiun

Area (in sq km): 266000

Population: 273008

Continent: AF

Domain: .eh

Currency Code: MAD

Currency Name: Dirham

Phone: 212

Languages: ar,mey

Neighboring countries: DZ,MR,MA

لصحراء الغربية قائمة المناطق

البلاد لديها 3 منطقة فيها أكثر من 3 مدينة يبلغ عدد سكانها أكثر من 5000 شخص. يتم عرض قائمة المناطق أدناه.

English Translation ➢ There are 3 regions in Western Sahara, in which there are more than 3 cities with a population of over 5,000 people.

Detailed information:

Region (State) - click to sort Number of cities
1 Other (Other) 1
2 Other (Other) 1
3 Other (Other) 1