Pohjois-Savon Maakunta - list of cities

Language: fi
International title: Northern Savo
Detailed information: https://en.wikipedia.org

Pohjois-Savon Maakunta has 11 cities with a population of over 5,000. The list of cities with an approximate population is presented in the table below.

City (click to sort) Population
1 Varkaus 22365
2 Suonenjoki 7568
3 Siilinjärvi 20209
4 Pielavesi 5521
5 Nilsiä 6474
6 Leppävirta 10936
7 Lapinlahti 7350
8 Kuopio 89104
9 Kiuruvesi 9730
10 Juankoski 5514
11 Iisalmi 22588