Област София - list of cities

Language: bg
International title: Sofia
Detailed information: https://en.wikipedia.org

Област София has 11 cities with a population of over 5,000. The list of cities with an approximate population is presented in the table below.

City (click to sort) Population
1 Златица (Zlatitsa) 5786
2 Своге (Svoge) 8964
3 Сливница (Slivnitsa) 7545
4 Самоков (Samokov) 26765
5 Пирдоп (Pirdop) 8136
6 Костинброд (Kostinbrod) 12175
7 Ихтиман (Ihtiman) 14154
8 Годеч (Godech) 5154
9 Етрополе (Etropole) 11031
10 Елин Пелин (Elin Pelin) 7373
11 Ботевград (Botevgrad) 20909