Rājshāhi Bibhag - list of cities

Language: bn
International title: Rajshahi Division
Detailed information: https://en.wikipedia.org

Rājshāhi Bibhag has 14 cities with a population of over 5,000. The list of cities with an approximate population is presented in the table below.

City (click to sort) Population
1 Shibganj 378701
2 সিরাজগঞ্জ (Sirajganj) 127481
3 Shāhzādpur 102420
4 রাজশাহী (Rājshāhi) 700133
5 Joypur Hāt 73068
6 Ishurdi 81995
7 Pār Naogaon 192464
8 Bera 39604
9 Pābna 186781
10 বগুড়া (Bogra) 210000
11 Nawābganj 142361
12 সৈয়দপুর (Saidpur) 199422
13 Puthia 159406
14 Nātor (Natore) 369138