
Meแบ–oz HaMerkaz - list of cities

Language: he
International title: Central District
Detailed information: https://en.wikipedia.org

Meแบ–oz HaMerkaz has 30 cities with a population of over 5,000. The list of cities with an approximate population is presented in the table below.

โ„– City (click to sort) Population
1 ืžื•ื“ื™ืขื™ืŸ ืžื›ื‘ื™ื ืจืขื•ืช (Modiโ€˜in Makkabbim Reโ€˜ut) 88749
2 ื™ื”ื•ื“ (Yehud) 25600
3 ื™ื‘ื ื” (Yavnรฉ) 31774
4 ืชืœ ืžื•ื ื“ (Tel Mond) 8725
5 ืจืืฉ ื”ืขื™ืŸ (Rosh Haโ€˜Ayin) 39215
6 ืจืืฉื•ืŸ ืœืฆื™ื•ืŸ (Rishon Leแบ”iyyon) 220492
7 ืจื—ื•ื‘ื•ืช (Reแบ–ovot) 132671
8 ืจืžืœื” (Ramla) 63860
9 ืจืขื ื ื” (Ra'anana) 80000
10 ืงืœื ืกื•ื” (Qalansuwa) 16898
11 ืคืชื— ืชืงื•ื” (Petaแบ– Tiqwa) 200000
12 ืคืจื“ืกื™ื” (Pardesiyya) 6254
13 ื ืชื ื™ื” (Netanya) 171676
14 ื ืก ืฆื™ื•ื ื” (Ness Ziona) 38700
15 ืžื–ื›ืจืช ื‘ืชื™ื” (Mazkeret Batya) 8034
16 ืœื“ (Lod) 66589
17 ื›ืคืจ ื™ื•ื ื” (Kefar Yona) 21611
18 ื›ืคืจ ืกื‘ื (Kfar Saba) 80773
19 ื›ืคืจ ืงืกื (Kafr Qฤsim) 17303
20 ื’โ€™ืœื’โ€™ื•ืœื™ื” (Jaljลซlya) 7505
21 ื”ื•ื“ ื”ืฉืจื•ืŸ (Hod HaSharon) 43185
22 ื’ื“ืจื” (Gedera) 26217
23 ื’ืŸ ื™ื‘ื ื” (Gan Yavne) 22453
24 ื’ื ื™ ืชืงื•ื” (Ganei Tikva) 16053
25 ืื‘ืŸ ื™ื”ื•ื“ื” (Even Yehuda) 15221
26 ื ื˜ื™ืจื” (Tirah) 20786
27 Eแนญ แนฌaiyiba 32978
28 ื‘ืช ื“ื’ืŸ (Bet Dagan) 7099
29 ื‘ื ื™ ืขื™"ืฉ (Bnei Ayish) 7920
30 ืฉื”ื (Shoham) 20740